James McGrath

Let’s look at how to find an item in an array of objects if we know one of the object’s properties.

May 17, 2020
1 minute

Today let’s see how we can refactor an accessible hamburger button using Vue.

Apr 18, 2020
2 minutes

In the thing I’m currently working on at Mamamia, the content for the page is coming from a WYSIWYG editor. The section of the page where it appears has a title that is planned to be hardcoded in to the markup. I didn’t want to add an extra div just to display the content of the v-html. It occured to me that I could easily append or prepend additional markup to it in the Vue template. However it appears that this can’t be done with v-text. The codepen below also uses this technique.

Feb 09, 2020
1 minute

As far as I know, there wasn’t any way to dynamically change the CSS properties of pseudo-elements. Now that CSS custom properties are supported in the latest browsers, there are two ways in which this can be done. The following codepen demonstrates it.

Feb 02, 2020
1 minute

Maybe you have heard that “eval is evil?” If you haven’t take a few minutes to read eval() isn’t evil, just misunderstood.

Jan 27, 2020
2 minutes

Several years ago I was tasked with making a font resize function for a website I was working on. At that time I made it in jQuery. That version can be seen on codpen Font Resizer

Nov 04, 2019
5 minutes

I enjoy the challenge of making single div things using just CSS to make it. Over the past few years I made a few country flags.

Sep 28, 2019
1 minute